WTF. To be continued?!? NO ELIMINATION?!?
In the back of my head I've been trying to figure out how they were going to work in this extra episode of I know...a non-episode! And they didn't even try to justify it as a clip show (ok, that doesn't make any sense, but I'm babbling).
Kathy and I were SO hoping that Terry had given the idol to Dannielle. It would probably have been really stupid, but in retrospect, it would have worked.
One of the reasons that I keep watching this show is that I think that it has the best game design of all of these shows. They keep shaking things up just a bit year to year.
I wonder, though, if they realized just how powerful the idol mechanic was. It would be simple to assume that it was a one-time savior, and that it could be burned out one week, and that person voted out the next. But there was a rub. If it was revealed, instead of revoting, the person with the second most votes (likely a person in the majority voting block) would bet eliminated. So that idol would have pulled down the majority block in addition to protecting the holder.
Of course, we only really saw it tonight when the weren't willing to chance voting for Terry. Which is why he should have GIVEN THE IDOL TO DANI...oh well, maybe she can make some fire.