I guess I should have known this was coming after the mini-episodes bored me to tears (though admittedly, I stopped watching after the first four because it was so boring).
The problem with the characters is that (with the possible exception of Starbuck) there is no one to cheer for. They have all done something so stupid or evil at this point, that they deserve whatever they have coming to them.
The problem with the writing is that even if there were good bits (and I'd have to have someone point out the good bits from last night), I still have to sit through all of the horrible crap to get to it. Lee went "soft" and became a fat fuck in a year? Adama can no longer get pilots to run drills? in a year? Hey, everybody married everybody! And some had kids!
And I get it. You think we should have sympathy for the Iraqis blowing themselves to shit. I certainly disagree with that sentiment, so all of the "drama" of that is lost on me. It is especially inane because they can't actually hurt the Cylons (they just reboot) and the Cylons acting all concerned because the humans didn't have power for a couple of weeks was more terrible writing. So we should have sympathy for the people who were idiots in the first place and came down to the planet ("der, the Cylons will never find us here, der"), and no are mad about it so they blow each other up out of spite. If Adama really had 2000 people left on those ships, he's got enough DNA that he should have just kept going.
And ug, the Cylons needing whats his name to sign the execution order so that God wouldn't hold them responsible for murder...I should have turned it off then.