Monday, July 11, 2005

A Funny...

All my Tour de France posts involving Lance Armstrong seems to have triggered my google ads at the bottom of the page to switch from bl*gging related (don't want them to switch back) to Livestrong bands. Heh, cool!

As those of you who worked with my at my last company may know, I submitted a game proposal that used the idea of the bands to play a game. My lovely wife K worked at a bike shop and suggested that with the pile of kids that were constantly coming in looking for Livestong bands, it was an idea that might work. Having seen how things work with the managers, I threw the proposal over the wall and tried to run.

I was right to run. If there was ever a story to sum up my last company, it would be the story of the attempt by management to bring that product to market. I believe it is still ongoing (with other evolutions of the concept puttering around). Never mind that the fad has faded.

The google ads have other kinds of bands...if they ever turn into ads for the game I submitted, I'm shutting the this thing down. All of it.


Blogger Shocho said...

Here is a link to a USAToday article on the recent "band trend" that was on the front page the other day:

Of course, Mkae said that if it makes the front page of USAToday, it's probably over. :)

I see these bands EVERYWHERE.

6:54 AM  
Blogger TheGirard said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is why I don't submit ideas. ;)

or something

6:58 AM  
Blogger Major Rakal said...

The google ads have other kinds of bands...if they ever turn into ads for the game I submitted, I'm shutting the this thing down. All of it.

Somehow I don't think you need to worry about that.

10:20 AM  
Blogger Dave(id) said...

Looks like we'll be reading the Cheddar Express for awhile. No threat seen from my end.

11:30 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Ah! Production speaks.

I'm sure the blogging world is relieved. Or something.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Mkae said...

I thought the idea was great (in February) and did my damndest to get it out (by the time school ended the 2004-2005 term).

The last word I heard from management on the product was that it was a "clusterfuck". The person that made that statement was also the person that held the project up so another product could be "fast tracked" whereas that person would then have "resume fodder".

I tried Tom, I really did.

9:40 AM  

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