Wednesday, August 16, 2006


300 - 1447 - 0

As the diet continues, I've kind of settled in to a base for my dinners. They usually involve some combination of tomatos, green peppers, and onions. Maybe some celery, and that a little protein (beans or chicken). Lotsa fiber to feel full.

I'm starting to get a little bored of the combinations. Typically:

Chili (adds lots of seasoning to the base)
Fajitas (wrap the base in tortilas)
Spaghetti (pasta under the base)
Salad (the base over some lettuce)

I don't know...I grabbed a vegetarian sloppy joe recipe, so I guess I'll try that tomorrow night, but I'm definitely fishing for veggy ideas. The problem is finding things to combine with them that don't run the clories through the roof.


Blogger erika said...

stuff the green peppers! brown up some ground turkey mixed with garlic (or whatever you like to season with) and onions and tomatoes... stuff in pepper, top with mixture of bread crumbs and parm.

9:31 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

HEY! I know veggies!

:( but I don't know calories [except that whoever is telling what you burn running is basing it off of a tredmilla nd not out running in hot humid weather with turns and things]

here is a dish that might change things up for you. i dont' know if it will be filling for you because i don't know what fils the Lischke up but ...

1 medium sized chopped onion
coupld of cloves of chopped garlic [or as much as you like]
cook that up in a sauce pan on med heat with olive oil [or whatever veggie oil you have]

you want the onions to start to become clear or brown up - no more than three miutes

then juice lemon over it all [keeping on the stove top.
add a couple of teaspoons of Curry powder [get it in the "ethnic aisle" of the grocery store]

add some salt and pepper

cook that for a bit then add some salsa [sigh, or tomato paste if you want to authentic] and a cup [or slightly less] of water.

boil that water off or nearly off.

then serve over cooked rice noodles [200 cal per 2 oz serving] or rice [which is filling] or pasta or whatever.

you can of course cook up some animal carcass with it if you want.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Brad said...

ohhh, the distracted one is right. Stuffed pepper are good - but i wouldn't stuff them with ground salminila.

instead maybe bread chunks with arichoke hearts and tomato and random peppers/hot spices. then top with crushed totilia chips then cook in the oven.

might be neat places to visit for ideas and you can change things up to suit your taste.

1:23 PM  

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